Sentir el color / Feel the color

Colores / Colors
No sé cuánto recuerdo
No sé si quiero recordar
Solo dejarme tomar por la sensación
Y abrirle paso inevitablemente
Para sentir el color
Que tenía todo
Y mezclarlo en la paleta
Sabiendo que no hay colores para inventar
Ya existen todos
Pero cuando pintamos con ellos
Siempre son nuevos
Y la sensación se apodera
Del cuadro
Yo soy un mero pincel
Y me gusta así


I don't know how much I remember
I don't know if I want to remember

Just allow myself to be taken by the sensation
And inevitably make way for it
For feeling the color
That everything had
And mix it on the palette
Knowing that there are no colors to invent
Them all already exist
But when we paint with them
They are always new
And the feeling takes hold
Of the painting
I am merely a brush
And I like it that way


  1. Those are such beautiful thoughts on color. Your poems are making me relearn my Spanish so that I can understand them.

    1. Stacey, thank you! I really appreciate your comments on my writing, as you can imagine...
      It's really hard to translate something properly. I also forget to translate some of them, I am living in the midst of such a whirlwind right now... But I will try.
      Nevertheless, I am glad that you are practicing spanish again!

    2. I added a super basic translation of the poem. I hope it makes sense...

  2. Para quienes quieran visitar el norte argentino: una recomendación gastronómica...

    Hoy: La palabra sánguche no está en el diccionario...


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