Hace tanto, ya... / It's been son long, already...

(Dicho hace tanto tiempo...)
(Said so long ago...)
18-05-2012 Hace tanto... / It's been so long...
Ya no sé cómo hablarte sin palabras.
Y cada vez, solo tengo las palabras más vacías para darte, las más mentirosas. Las que no dicen todo lo que no quiero admitir ni que vos sepas. Las que te conforman como a un chico. Las que te dan la seguridad de que (todavía) no soy quien estabas temiendo que fuera.
Un día de estos no te va a quedar más remedio que escucharme. Y saber lo que tengo para decirte.
Todo va a estallar en un estruendo de polvo y proyectiles. Y yo lo sé.
Voy a caminar sobre mis huesos.
No te sorprendas, es lo que hago siempre.
Si no te quedás sordo podrías, incluso, venir conmigo y sentir como crujen. Sin asustarte. No hay mal ni daño, sólo revolución del alma que camina.
Y quién te dice, yendo por ahí, tal vez tus huesos sean lo que encuentres.

I don't know how to talk to you without words anymore.
And each time, I only have the most empty words to give you, the liar ones. The ones that say nothing that I don't want to admit or that I don't want you to know. The ones to appease you like a child. The ones to reassure you that I am not (still) who you were dreading that I was.
One of these days you won't have a chance but to hear me. And to know what I have to say to you.
Everything is going to blow in a big boom of dust and projectiles. And I know it.
I am going to walk over my bones.
Don't be surprised, that's what I always do.
If you don't go deaf you could, even, come with me and feel how they crack. Without getting scared. There's no bad or harm, just the revolution of the soul that walks.
And who can say... walking around you may find your own  bones.


  1. no more english translation! My spanish is only so great.

    1. Oh, no... I know! I'm sorry.....!!!! I am always so busy and life is so full (I need to write you an email, soon!).
      I will try to translate my writings, I even wanted to last night, but I was over-tired. I will though!

  2. I totally understand Julie. I was teasing slightly, as you are free to do exactly as you wish and need of course. I like to catch up with you and it has been a while. I was surprised to find what felt like a lot of change here. I bet more changes than even readily meets the eye. I would love an email from you, any time! I hope life is treating you well and you are feeling strong. xo

  3. And wow, your words are so powerful here. I did not read before I wrote again. Yes a lot of change is happening. I appreciate your honesty. Those words will come when you are ready.

  4. I know...
    I am in a really strange transition right now. So many things happening all at the same time. It's sometimes hard to find my voice in there..
    I sent you an email.


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